Response to Heartbleed Security Threat

Earlier this week, a security vulnerability known as Heartbleed was announced. This was an important event because Open SSL, the underlying library in question, powers security and encryption for approximately…

The Five Layers of Edthena Security

Preventing evildoers from getting their hands on your data comes in many forms: how we restrict access to our servers, how we interact with service providers, and how we transmit content to users.

Our users demand a place where their video and data are not only stored safely but also protected from unintended access. We believe we’ve built Edthena into the secured sharing platform that our users need.

Edthena is now a member of AACTE

We’re excited to announce that we’ve been accepted for membership into the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Educators (AACTE). At first glance, this might seem strange, since we’re not…

Video Uploading is as Important as Video Conversations

Ultimately, it came down to providing whatever we needed to ensure users could be successful with the entire video observation and feedback process. And it turned out that, the process was more than just how to interact with videos online. We had to help users get the videos online.

Engineer Meets User (edWeek)

Engineer Meets User Have you been reading our posts on the Education Week blog? This week our CTO describes how building a product like Edthena is very different than building…

Recorded lessons enable teacher feedback

For personal and professional development, it is incredibly helpful to have a coach. Teachers, however, have been left virtually siloed from the feedback of their peers and administrators.


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We believe strongly that technology can and should eliminate the barriers to effective teaching and curriculum implementation, while promoting a culture of growth and collaboration across classrooms.