Putting Research to Work in Video-Based Teacher Development

[VIDEO]Adam Geller was recently asked to explain how Edthena incorporates research into our daily work.

His answer?

Edthena is doing more than putting to work the research of the past… we’re helping take part in the research of today.

Coaching Real-Time Coaches using Video

Katie is based out of Georgia, but supports coaches in many states. She uses Edthena to provide ongoing development opportunities for Teach For America coaches.

Increasing Peer Collaboration and Feedback at Penn

Our student-teachers are placed in schools that are geographically separated, making observation across school settings difficult.

Edthena has allowed us to provide an opportunity for students to see a great deal more practice in a larger variety of settings.

This has also facilitated incredible conversations about teaching and learning across these geographical barriers.

Doubling Down on Education

It’s tempting to let ourselves get distracted and go after all these different opportunities in other sectors. But instead, we’re staying focused on education. Here’s why…

[UPDATE: We have an app] We don't have an iPhone app (yet), and that's a good thing

UPDATE: There is an Edthena iOS app.

Often times, we’re asked about we’re asked whether we have an iPhone app. The answer is that we don’t. There’s a good reason for it, too.

The reality is that there are not infinite resources in a small company, and by offering the cross-platform Edthena Video Tool, we can ensure a great experience for all of our users across a variety of video capture devices.

Quantifying the Benefit of the Edthena Video Tool

We calculated the average amount of data we save users when they’re using the Edthena Video Tool, and we’re able to show how much time this translates into for one of our users. Spoiler alert: it’s a lot of data and time savings!


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We believe strongly that technology can and should eliminate the barriers to effective teaching and curriculum implementation, while promoting a culture of growth and collaboration across classrooms.