7 Eye-Opening Back-to-School Predictions (eSchool News)

Fall is here and back-to-school days are well underway. But with COVID-19 scares and so much still uncertain, it’s hard to know what this school year will really look like.

Educators chimed in to share their predictions, based on trends and practices they foresee for the year beyond back-to-school season.

“The need for strong cybersecurity practices, and social-emotional support for students and educators” were some of the emphasized themes.

Another back-to-school prediction, from learning coaches in St. Vrain Valley Schools, included coaching for collective efficacy and the use of video reflections.

“An important aspect of our coaching work this year will be the use of video as a tool to foster ongoing reflective practice. Our use of Edthena, a video-based platform that allows educators to upload video clips of their instruction, will foster intentional opportunities for teachers to self-reflect, receive coaching, and ask each other questions about their practice all in one place.

The best part of using video is that teachers don’t have to miss out on time with their students in order to see their peers’ instruction. They are able to go back and watch the video at any point in their day. And, they will also be able to build their own library of practice so that they can see their own transformation throughout the year.”

Read all the back-to-school predictions at eSchool News: 7 eye-opening back-to-school predictions

You can read more insights from eSchool News here.

And check out what else the coaches from St. Vrain Valley Schools have to say about using video coaching.

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