Lone Stars at TCEA 2017: Edthena Enables Video For All (Language Magazine)

Read original at http://languagemagazine.com/2017/02/lone-stars/

Edthena is a classroom observation platform that facilitates video-based coaching and professional learning for schools and districts. It allows teachers to share videos of their own teaching with coaches and colleagues who provide timestamped comments categorized as questions, suggestions, strengths, and notes. The platform enables teachers and coaches to participate in collaborative professional learning cycles. Reports and graphs, linked to the school’s or district’s associated professional standards, help identify teaching trends, determine if the professional development is improving teaching practices, and provide a basis for ongoing dialogue about instructional best practices.

Using a Chromebook for video coaching is now a reality with Edthena’s new Chromebook app. The app automates the process of recording and uploading videos of any length, so teachers can complete an entire video coaching cycle—from recording to upload to feedback—on a Chromebook device. With this release, video tools are now available for all major device platforms found in schools—Windows, Mac OS X, iOS, and Chrome OS.

Schools, districts, and teacher education programs in more than 30 states are using Edthena’s platform to make video observation an integral part of teacher induction, teacher mentoring, professional learning communities (PLCs), and peer observation.

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